I had surgery on my ear today. Essentially, the doctor removed the lower half. Then he was able to do some sort of skin graft magic and build something that is supposed to resemble an ear. I suggested he try a little wood filler: Ive salvaged lots of wonky projects with the stuff. Alas, he ignored my medical opinion and went with his own.
When you go through something like this, you learn a lot of things you never intended to learn. The creepiest thing is that a 1mm spot of melanoma can be fatal. Mine was only .35mm. Catching it early is the key. I was lucky that my wife noticed it and insisted I see a doctor. I mean, a guy doesnt look at the back of his ear very often. In fact, melanoma is frequently caught by barbers. Who knew.
Also, skin cancer on the ear is nearly always on the left one. Yep, from the sun beating on it while we drive. I suppose you Brits will be the opposite since you drive on the wrong side of the road. Ha!
Thank you everyone who has been concerned. I think Im through the biggest part now. Melanoma has a nasty tendency to spread elsewhere, but I have exams scheduled every three months to check me out with the hope of catch anything early. Right now, I am expecting my ear to hurt like hell really soon. Ive turned on the beer fridge and plan on shooting a Mere Mortals gift buying guide. Oh, did I mention? I just got a new camera. Yep, a real video camera! Going Hollywood, baby!
Wear that sunscreen man.