Jumat, 04 Maret 2016

Another chair

In addition to my "real" chair I made for the fair this year, I have also entered into the "decorate a chair" category. In this competition, you take an existing chair and decorate it however you like. Believe it or not, its one of the most popular competitions in the Marin County Fair.
Although I have already entered, I havent actually started on the chair yet. The actual chair is due in two weeks.
Ive been searching Craigslist for free chairs and havent been lucky. I have a couple of old outdoor chairs I may have to use.
The fairs theme this year is "Going Global". Yeah, all right, I live in a weird place; this is par for the course.
So heres my idea: "Glowing Gobel". You remember George Gobel? Well, I figured I would take a chair and plaster it all over with glowing images of George. I dont expect to actually win, but I thought at least someone in Northern California might have a sense of humor!
My problem is that I cant find a high-resolution image of George Gobel. Ive found a bunch on Google Images, but they are all really tiny. Any ideas?

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