Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

Pop Woodworking Goes Digital


Wow and double wow! I was surprised to see this announcement sitting in my inbox this morning. Right on the heels of both Glen Huey and Chris Schwarz leaving the editorial team, Popular Woodworking announces the availabliity of a new digital subscription. They posted an FAQ which addresses a number of the questions folks are sure to have. The magazine will be distributed in PDF format and one of the comments left on the site raises a good question: will these PDFs be crippled with DRM? For folks reading on the iPad, that can mean trouble. I haven’t tried to read a DRM’d PDF on my iPad yet so perhaps there’s a solution that doesn’t involve me stripping the DRM manually? No wait…that’s illegal isn’t it?

Anyway, I’m diggin’ this move and I’d happily plunk down 19 bucks to have digital access, although this is only a few bucks cheaper than the print version. I know many folks prefer the paper magazine, but I am not one of them. I’d like to personally thank Popular Woodworking for giving us the option! If you want to subscribe to the digital version, you can do so here.

So what do you think? A smart move on their part? Will you switch from paper to digital?

Click Here and Start WoodWorking

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