Senin, 29 Februari 2016

Furniture Lab Tech Cabinet Part 2

  John Tetreault, Associate Art Director 8 users recommend  Furniture Lab Tech Cabinet - Part II
Follow along as Fine Woodworking associate art director John Tetreault constructs a cabinet using reclaimed materials found during our recent trek to southern Massachusetts.
Things are really beginning to speed up at this point of the Tech Cabinet build. The dados for the shelves have been cut in the case sides and the dovetails have been cut to accept the top. Next, I broke out the scrub plane to surface the interior shelves. The undulating surface that the scrub plane produces mimics the weathered exterior boards of the case sides. Browse through the photos above, where I show you how I made the through-tenons on the shelves and a little trick to cut mortises on the case sides when you want to keep the original patina of the wood.
Once the shelves were done, I was ready for the case glue-up. It was a little tricky with all those through-tenons, but I tackled the case first and then tapped home the dovetails on the top.
Ill be back next week, with the conclusion of the project and plenty of final beauty shots!
More Projects by John Tetreault• The 3-Hour Cabinet
• Bending Dovetails
• Make Your Own Leather Chisel Roll
• Video: Build a Hybrid Roubo Workbench Watch the Furniture Lab Junkyard Visit
Be sure to read Asa Christianas story outlining the original idea and intent of Furniture Lab, plus, watch our original Furniture Lab junkyard visit. John Tetreault, Tom McKenna, and Anatole Burkin visited an old salvage yard for some quirky design inspiration.
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