Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

Friday kickback The press for fat tortillas

One of the advantages of being an amateur woodworker is that when things dont always work out, I am free to simply say, "Ah hell, its good enough." Of course I strive for perfection but when things dont work out as planned, the recipients are none the wiser.
Every project I have ever made has had errors that I let slide. I think if I were a professional woodworker, I would go batty and lose sleep at night fretting over say, a gapping joint. As it is, I can pop the top off my Costco-sized bucket of wood filler, fill in those damn gaps and move on to my next project.
I made this tortilla press and posted the video on YouTube back in January. This is an example of a project with a serious functionality problem, not fixable with wood filler. Im glad it was for me and not a gift. The problem is that somewhere on the internet machine I read that I needed an eighth-inch gap between the two plates of the press. The thing works great, but produces tortillas that too fat, more like gorditas or something. Tasty, but pudgy. And a large number of viewers were quick to point out this fact.
I really dont want to reset the hinges, and sometimes I like fat tortillas, so Ive been toying with the idea of making removable inserts that would allow for multi-thickness tortillas. Hmmm...maybe I just invented a new product.

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